Regards, Warren Mallard to a Jewellery Designer

It looks like it’s all happening for you Robert. Lots of hard work. I hear  it’s making you and your clients very happy Robert.

As a Jewellery designer who made some of the original concept models for your designs it makes me proud to have been there to give you even more encouragement than you had……if that was at all possible.

Your unique designs (I should know, I won 5 awards (two firsts)  in the Australian Diamonds Today Design Awards) are splendid and ageless and more importantly give us blokes something to wear without feeling to woosey!   Most uniquely,  your works of art (they are much more than jewellery)  are very wearable and stand out from the mundane mass produced trinkets one finds in most jewellery outlets these days.  The word boutique has been emasculated in the past and I am pleased to see its regained its sexiness through your endeavours.

I would wear your jewellery Robert.


Warren Mallard
Goldsmith/Private Investigator with flair!

Tears are quite

Tears are quite
Tears shout
Tears activate and motivate in ways words don’t
Tears permit time to pass
Tears can make sunshine
Tears are the before and after


Tears creep up without gravity yet fall with it
Tears are salty
Tears know Islam Buddhism and Greek Orthodox

Tears can be blocked
Tears can tell lies
Tears go in tissues on wobbling chins and fingers
Tears speak in English, French and Japanese
Tears know mothers, airports and hospitals

Tears can be hard to see through
Tears let you know you are alive
Tears can be the first word or the last
Tears can consume, an awful lot

Tears know the law, borders and not boundaries
Tears encourage connection and compassion

Tears know some very rich people
Tears know private moments and pillows

Tears speaks in QWERTY, Facebook and the pauses between telephone words
Tears knows death and birth
Tears knows my nose

Tears can be held back like rivers
Tears can be big and small, hidden but not rushed.
Tears can be proud, bold and better than imagined


My North..My South

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;Post
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
Round Brilliant Cut Diamond Flush Set Wedding Ring



“Robert Young is one of a rare breed that balances true creativity with commercial nous”

Mark Ostryn
Rugged Logic ANZ

‘The Love God’
Warren Mallard

“I would offer you good luck, but you don’t need it with a product like that”
Dagmar Ackerman – Designer

As a Director of a small advertising and design agency with clients such as Cerrone Jewellers and several other jewellery, watch and accessories distributors, I was introduced to Robert to have a casual chat about what he’s trying to achieve.
Having seen a variety of pieces in his range, I firmly believe that his unique approach to design and the symbolism behind it would hold wide spread appeal across a variety of age groups and demographics.
Given that I could see myself purchasing one of his pieces in the future, I wish him every success.

Steve White
White Energy Pty Ltd
Integrated Marketing Concepts

“I love the idea of Robert’s rings – it’s like having a little secret only the giver and the recipient know about, until shared with others. Like a marriage, its what is underneath that counts. In a fashion sense, it is almost like wearing a simple black suit lined with hot pink silk.”

Good Luck!!
Sarah Pavillard

‘Innovations within the retail jewellery sector come along infrequently. From time to time there are flashes in the pan however seldom is there a range of jewellery that can be carried forward and grown from concept to a recognised brand and fashion statement.
As an award winning goldsmith and someone who has been involved in the jewellery industry since 1964 I have seen fads come and go, most never surviving two seasons. Zodiac Signs, birthstone jewellery, love rings, chain earrings, stud earrings etc. Two of the afore mentioned items did remain in fashion much longer than all the others. However in terms of the love rings, they were never fully realised there full market potential. ‘Love is always in the air’ and thus the theme for love is recurring and at present there is a void within the jewellery retail industry just begging to be filled.

Many want to give an item of jewellery as a token of their commitment and love but not necessarily as an engagement ring or wedding ring. Robert Young the love god has created and sculptured a stunning range of jewellery that is very versatile and one that fills the present void and present day requirement of new age consumers who are looking for that understated yet select and exclusive item of their expression of love and commitment.

This range of exclusive custom jewellery has the potential to surpass all others in terms of its target market which is very broad’.

Warren Mallard
Managing Director
Lyonswood Investigations & Forensic Group