Regards, Warren Mallard to a Jewellery Designer

It looks like it’s all happening for you Robert. Lots of hard work. I hear  it’s making you and your clients very happy Robert.

As a Jewellery designer who made some of the original concept models for your designs it makes me proud to have been there to give you even more encouragement than you had……if that was at all possible.

Your unique designs (I should know, I won 5 awards (two firsts)  in the Australian Diamonds Today Design Awards) are splendid and ageless and more importantly give us blokes something to wear without feeling to woosey!   Most uniquely,  your works of art (they are much more than jewellery)  are very wearable and stand out from the mundane mass produced trinkets one finds in most jewellery outlets these days.  The word boutique has been emasculated in the past and I am pleased to see its regained its sexiness through your endeavours.

I would wear your jewellery Robert.


Warren Mallard
Goldsmith/Private Investigator with flair!

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