Tears are quite

Tears are quite
Tears shout
Tears activate and motivate in ways words don’t
Tears permit time to pass
Tears can make sunshine
Tears are the before and after


Tears creep up without gravity yet fall with it
Tears are salty
Tears know Islam Buddhism and Greek Orthodox

Tears can be blocked
Tears can tell lies
Tears go in tissues on wobbling chins and fingers
Tears speak in English, French and Japanese
Tears know mothers, airports and hospitals

Tears can be hard to see through
Tears let you know you are alive
Tears can be the first word or the last
Tears can consume, an awful lot

Tears know the law, borders and not boundaries
Tears encourage connection and compassion

Tears know some very rich people
Tears know private moments and pillows

Tears speaks in QWERTY, Facebook and the pauses between telephone words
Tears knows death and birth
Tears knows my nose

Tears can be held back like rivers
Tears can be big and small, hidden but not rushed.
Tears can be proud, bold and better than imagined


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