Lanterns, This is love – The Palace, what is love ?

Sky Lanterns

On my wedding day, my best woman, Julia, organised a surprise. After the speeches she asked everyone to step outside of the Lifeboat Inn in Thornham, Norfolk, where we were holding the reception. There, waiting for us, were two-dozen sky lanterns. The guests stood in a circle and together we all lit the flame underneath. With my new husband, Aden, we grasped the top of a lantern until the heat expanded the paper and it became too difficult to hold. With whoops and screams, and exclamations of ‘love, long life and happiness to the bride and groom’, everyone held on until the force inside became too strong to hold down. Then one by one, or in pairs, the lanterns were released. They floated upwards like graceful doves in flight. Each lantern represented a symbol of our love, and as they rose higher and higher, drifting in the night sky, my own heart felt like it was opening and soaring.

what is love

This photo is a moment of perfection and of life’s innate sweetness.

Claire Scobie.



The Palace is a Museum of love, a place to read and contribute to the question, what is love ? what is the meaning of love ?
Add anonymously ( or not) your objects of love, a little piece of paper with a message, a poem from your first love, you daughters first painting. This Palace is a protect and honour the essence of the true meaning of love.