Life Secrets at the Laundromat

Evolve Love Rings are all about your story.

Everything that Robert creates has a story behind it, a deeper meaning. Sometimes his jewellery tells the story of the Australian seasons and other times it expresses the dynamic story of a relationship, poem or song. While I am not a jewellery desginer I am on the lookout for stories wherever I go, its in my nature and it’s what Robert and I have in common. I make it a personal policy to talk to strangers in buses, parks, restaurants, and grocery stores. Not in that freaky way, but everyone has a story, and usually its more interesting ones than found in glossy magazines. Over the years I’ve discovered that the stories people tell can almost always be tied back to evolutions: endings, beginnings, shifts, and changes.

Take Steve the security guard for example. I met him at the local laundromat last week. He’s a giant man with an unexpectedly gentle spirit and a slight stutter. For the last nine years he’s worked the night shift in some of the roughest suburbs in this city. He tells me this after offering to help me fold my sheets.

“I bet you’ve seen a lot,” I say.

“I have,” he replies, “but I’ve learned to walk into every situation with friendliness and people can pick up on that, which saves me a lot of trouble. I never thought I’d be a security guard, though.”

“What did you think you were going to be when you were younger?” I ask. He pauses and gets a shy grin on his face,“I thought I was going to be a producer.”

“You want to make music, right?”

“Yeah. And maybe I still will. You never know.”

“I think a lot of people end up in places they never would have guessed,” I say.

He looks up at the ceiling thoughtfully, “Yes, that’s true. And it depends on what the man up there has in mind for you. You never know what’s going to happen.”

Steve is right: you never know what turns your life is going to take next. The idea of personal evolution is the central idea behind the new “Evolve Love Ring” collection. The Love rings are designed to evolve as changes occur in your life. Whether it’s something as simple as a shift in mood or something more significant like a move to a new city or the start of a new relationship–you can mix, match, and stack the rings to express your experience. Take a look at the 56420 ways you can show your evolution.


About the Author

Clara is the resident wordsmith for Robert Young Sculpture and when she isn’t folding laundry she can often be found waxing philosophical on the artistic processes of jewellery making.

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